Mental Coaching

In individual coaching sessions and tailor-made training courses, your employees and leaders become fit for change and the demands of the modern working world.

Key meta-competences make your employees fit for the modern working world

Home office, digitalization, new work – every external change in structures and processes requires an internal transformation.


Reflecting on your own skills and competences is the basic prerequisite for your own further development and change. Consciously questioning and directing your own thoughts and actions is the basis of self-leadership.


The digital flood of information, pressure to make decisions and complexity require constant reprioritization and a conscious focus on what is essential. It is important to act independently and flexibly and to create habits for your own productivity.


Resilience means to keep cool in stressful times and under pressure. When change and setbacks cause frustration, resilience helps you to act flexibly and stay motivated. It provides the necessary stamina to stay on course towards your goal.


Virtual coordination and cooperation involve misunderstandings. Therefore, the ability to communicate clearly, constructively and appreciatively is all the more important. The awareness of your own language and the conscious choice of appropriate words can be trained.


Digital work and communication hold a high potential for conflict. The ability to listen actively, to empathize with others and to communicate in a differentiated and precise way helps to avoid misunderstandings and to manage conflicts constructively.


Confidence in yourself and your abilities as well as trust in others leads to self-assurance. Feeling strong on the inside helps to handle ambiguity and uncertainty on the outside more calmly. In this way, you remain capable of making decisions and taking action.

What are your employees capable of after mental coaching?

These personal competencies help them to make independent, quick, and considered decisions in complex situations and to react flexibly to work demands.

Especially due to the variety of available information, the unpredictability of changes and developments as well as the increasing complexity, competences such as self-reflection and dealing with complexity are important prerequisites for acting confidently.

Are you interested in customized coaching or training?

Then contact me directly for a first meeting. My mission is to help your employees and leaders achieve their professional goals, master change, and stay fit and healthy.

Let the facts and figures convince you

Happy employees are on average less likely to be sick and work more productively.

Up to

of respondents cited improved work performance as a tangible benefit of business coaching, according to a study by the International Coaching Foundation.

Up to

of 750 HR professionals surveyed in German companies already use coaching as an important HR development tool, according to a XING survey.

Up to

increase in sick days due to mental illness since 2018, according to the AOK Absenteeism Report, a German health insurance company. This increases costs for employers.

Up to

more productivity was accomplished by happy and motivated employees compared to their stressed colleagues, according to studies by Gallup and Towers Watson.

Are you in?

Together we design a tailored solution for your specific needs.

Step 1

Book a free initial consultation here.

Step 2

We assess your current situation and your needs.

Step 3

Together we will find the right solution for your needs, and you can get started.

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    noch mehr happy Coachees

    “Was mich im Privaten wie im Beruflichen wirklich überrascht ist, dass ich Dinge jetzt nach dem Coaching schneller angehe. Vorher habe ich Dinge aufgeschoben. Ich ertappe mich dabei, dass ich es nicht mehr oder nur noch deutlich weniger mache.”

    “Mich hat überrascht, dass man auch, wenn man “nur” internationale Vertriebsinnendiensterfahrung hat, trotzdem da ein privates Projekt starten kann, das vielleicht mal ein Business wird. Du hast mir geholfen, an meine Träume zu glauben und auch dafür zu kämpfen.

    “Im Coaching habe ich gelernt, dass selbst kleine Gedanken, kleine Stellschrauben eine große Wirkung haben. Ich habe mich selber vorher zu sehr unter Druck gesetzt und ich habe gelernt, dass es auch wirklich mit weniger Druck funktionieren kann.

    “Es hat mich überrascht, wie viel man aus sich selbst noch herausholen kann. Ich hab gedacht, dass ich schon sehr viel für mich reflektiert habe. Durch unsere Sessions, gerade in der Nachbereitung, habe ich gemerkt, wie viel mehr noch in einem steckt.

    Ich bin nochmal ganz anders in meinem Berufsleben angekommen. Ich fühle mich stärker in dem, was ich mache und selbstbewusster. Ich weiß mehr, wer ich bin, was ich will und was ich kann und auch wo ich hin möchte. Das ist einfach ein wahnsinnig gutes Gefühl.”