Coaching for mental strength and physical fitness

Holistic tools for body and mind helping your employees and you as an individual to become more productive, healthier and happier in your professional and personal lives. Get fit to meet the changes and the demands of the modern working world.

For companies

The motivation boost for your team

With my assistance your employees and leaders become more productive, healthier and happier. What is more valuable than a team that is fit to meet the changes and the demands of the modern working world?

For you

Powerful tools for your journey in life

Would you like to achieve professional success and fulfillment in your life? As your coach, I will guide you on your personal journey in life. You will gain inner clarity, mental strength, and energy to create your own path and achieve your desired goals.


An expert for mental wellbeing and physical fitness

My mission is to help employees, leaders and individuals achieve their professional and personal goals, master change and stay fit and healthy.

My holistic approach

Transformation is a process of change and personal growth.

I help you realize the growth you are looking for and how you can get there. With me as your coach you can move from having problems to having an easy-to-implement solution, master great challenges, achieve meaningful goals and realize your dreams. My coaching sets you up for success. You gain mental wellbeing and physical fitness to succeed.

Physical fitness is the fuel for action

Only if you keep your body fit and healthy can it drive you towards your goals and dreams. Exercise is therefore an investment in your personal success. With a combination of functional fitness, mobility training and yoga, you become more flexible and stronger. You also give it the relaxation it needs to recover. My goal is for you to feel fit and have enough energy to achieve your goals in work and life.

Mental strength is the key to your personal success

Maybe you know the critical voice in your head that keeps sabotaging you? It represents your thoughts. Only when these thoughts work in your favor and you learn to guide them consciously and proactively, will you achieve your goals. I provide you with your unique toolbox for mental strength and inner clarity. It consists of effective tools and powerful questioning techniques from systemic coaching, personal development, and stress management training.

  • Transformation is a process of change and personal growth.

    I help you realize the growth you are looking for and how you can get there. With me as your coach you can move from having problems to having an easy-to-implement solution, master great challenges, achieve meaningful goals and realize your dreams. My coaching sets you up for success. You gain mental wellbeing and physical fitness to succeed.

  • Physical fitness is the fuel for action

    Only if you keep your body fit and healthy can it drive you towards your goals and dreams. Exercise is therefore an investment in your personal success. With a combination of functional fitness, mobility training and yoga, you become more flexible and stronger. You also give it the relaxation it needs to recover. My goal is for you to feel fit and have enough energy to achieve your goals in work and life.

  • Mental strength is the key to your personal success

    Maybe you know the critical voice in your head that keeps sabotaging you? It represents your thoughts. Only when these thoughts work in your favor and you learn to guide them consciously and proactively, will you achieve your goals. I provide you with your unique toolbox for mental strength and inner clarity. It consists of effective tools and powerful questioning techniques from systemic coaching, personal development, and stress management training.


Transformative developments

With my special combination of coaching for personal development as well as yoga, meditation, mobility and functional training, I work with my clients on both body and mind. The combination of tools for body and mind enables holistic change and growth, because body and mind form a unit.

“As a coach, Melanie is extremely professional and solution-oriented. She addresses individual concerns and imparts knowledge in a way that is catchy, structured and easy to implement.”

Kristin Henke - Mentor & Speaker

“At Grow2Glow, Siemens’ coaching initiative, Melanie has successfully supported women in their professional and personal development as a systemic business coach.”

Gerda-Marie Adenau - Strategy Consultant, Siemens

“The program is a holistic package for professional, personal and health development of employees, leaders and teams. A great initiative for people development. Highly recommended!”

Felix Thönnessen GmbH - Speaker, Business Mentor

“Melanie gives concrete advice how to increase focus and motivation and supports everyone in mastering their individual challenges within the organization.”

Fabian Zentel - Co-Founder, Bee Digital

“I have worked with Melanie on several occasions and have gained clarity and focus for my professional work – top coaching.”

Martin Reinhardt - For you

“Melanie is an emphatic and professional coach and she manages to create a feel-good atmosphere in no time. You can tell that her heart is in helping and she does an excellent job! Thank you Melanie 💜”

Christina Aymone Sielaff - For you
For companies

Top performing employees and leaders?

Let me help your teams become fit for change and for the demands of the modern working world.

  • The employee development program for more productive, healthier, and happier employees! It works as a sustainable motivation booster that increases your teams’ mental strength and physical fitness in the long term.

  • Home office, digitalization, new work – change and self-management skills are more in-demand than ever before! Through individual coaching and training sessions, your employees and leaders become mentally strong and fit.

  • With my holistic online fitness program, you invest in your employees – your company’s most valuable asset. Whether in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening – my varied and flexible online training program provides the perfect balance for a stressful working day.

For you

A successful and healthy life?

You want professional success and fulfilment as well as health and happiness in your life?

  • As your coach, I will guide you on your personal journey in life. You will gain inner clarity, mental strength, and energy to create your own path and achieve your desired goals.

  • Do you want to keep a cool during stressful times and switch off after work? In my 10-week stress management course you will learn everything you need.

For you

Would you like to live a successful and healthy life?

You want professional success and fulfilment as well as health and happiness in your life?

  • As your coach, I will guide you on your personal journey in life. You will gain inner clarity, mental strength, and energy to create your own path and achieve your desired goals.

  • Do you want to keep cool during stressful times and switch off after work? In my 10-week stress management course you will learn everything you need.


Read more to get fit for change

Discover my blog for exciting posts, listen to interesting podcasts or watch Instagram Lives.

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    Step 1

    Book a free initial consultation here.

    Step 2

    We assess your current situation and your needs.

    Step 3

    Together we will find the right solution for your needs, and you can get started.

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      noch mehr happy Coachees

      “Was mich im Privaten wie im Beruflichen wirklich überrascht ist, dass ich Dinge jetzt nach dem Coaching schneller angehe. Vorher habe ich Dinge aufgeschoben. Ich ertappe mich dabei, dass ich es nicht mehr oder nur noch deutlich weniger mache.”

      “Mich hat überrascht, dass man auch, wenn man “nur” internationale Vertriebsinnendiensterfahrung hat, trotzdem da ein privates Projekt starten kann, das vielleicht mal ein Business wird. Du hast mir geholfen, an meine Träume zu glauben und auch dafür zu kämpfen.

      “Im Coaching habe ich gelernt, dass selbst kleine Gedanken, kleine Stellschrauben eine große Wirkung haben. Ich habe mich selber vorher zu sehr unter Druck gesetzt und ich habe gelernt, dass es auch wirklich mit weniger Druck funktionieren kann.

      “Ich wusste nicht, wie ich das, was mir Spaß macht, in mein eigenes Ding umwandeln kann. Durch unser Coaching wurde mir bewusst, dass ich sonst im Leben viel erreiche, weil ich Dinge einfach mache. Das war der endgültige Boost.

      “Es hat mich überrascht, wie viel man aus sich selbst noch herausholen kann. Ich hab gedacht, dass ich schon sehr viel für mich reflektiert habe. Durch unsere Sessions, gerade in der Nachbereitung, habe ich gemerkt, wie viel mehr noch in einem steckt.

      Ich bin nochmal ganz anders in meinem Berufsleben angekommen. Ich fühle mich stärker in dem, was ich mache und selbstbewusster. Ich weiß mehr, wer ich bin, was ich will und was ich kann und auch wo ich hin möchte. Das ist einfach ein wahnsinnig gutes Gefühl.”